An easier way to create standard buttons types in SwiftUI

Apr 30, 2024 · Follow on Twitter and Mastodon swiftswiftui

In this post, I’ll show how to use a simple enum to make it easier to reuse standard button types (add, delete, edit, done, etc.) with support for localization.


I always try to streamline my workflow. This is why I often move things into Swift packages, since it lets me reduce the cognitive load and overall clutter of non-app essential things.

Another reason for moving things into Swift packages is to reduce the tedious repetition of doing the same thing in project after project.

One such thing is trying to find ways to streamline the code needed to use various SwiftUI views, where the native APIs may be well-designed, but things just become too repetitive.

For instance, I’m tired of having to re-create the standard button types in every project and having to add the localized values to every string catalog in every app:

Button("Button.OK") { ... }

I therefore decided to try creating a cleaner way of defining these standard button types.


I started with setting up an enum that can be used to define standard button types:

public extension Button {
    enum StandardType: String, CaseIterable, Identifiable {
        case add, addFavorite,
             cancel, call, copy,
             delete, deselect, done, 
             edit, email,
             select, share

I then added an extension to provide the required properties for this type:

public extension Button.StandardType {
    var id: String{ rawValue }
    var image: Image {
    var imageName: String {
        switch self {
        case .add: "plus"
        case .addFavorite: ""
        case .cancel: "xmark"
        case .call: "phone"
        case .copy: "doc.on.doc"
        case .delete: "trash"
        case .deselect: ""
        case .done: "checkmark"
        case .edit: "pencil"
        case .email: "envelope"
        case .ok: "checkmark"
        case .paste: "clipboard"
        case .removeFavorite: ""
        case .select: ""
        case .share: "square.and.arrow.up"
    var role: ButtonRole? {
        switch self {
        case .cancel: .cancel
        case .delete: .destructive
        default: nil
    var title: LocalizedStringKey {
        switch self {
        case .add: "Button.Add"
        case .addFavorite: "Button.AddFavorite"
        case .addToFavorites: "Button.AddToFavorites"
        case .call: "Button.Call"
        case .cancel: "Button.Cancel"
        case .copy: "Button.Copy"
        case .deselect: "Button.Deselect"
        case .edit: "Button.Edit"
        case .email: "Button.Email"
        case .delete: "Button.Delete"
        case .done: "Button.Done"
        case .ok: "Button.OK"
        case .paste: "Button.Paste"
        case .removeFavorite: "Button.RemoveFavorite"
        case .removeFromFavorites: "Button.RemoveFromFavorites"
        case .select: "Button.Select"
        case .share: "Button.Share"

Since title is a LocalizedStringKey, every new button title will automatically be added to the amazing new Xcode 15 String Catalog.

I then added a Button convenience initializer, that takes a Button.StandardType value, and that can override both the title and the icon:

public extension Button {
        _ type: StandardType,
        _ title: LocalizedStringKey? = nil,
        _ icon: Image? = nil,
        bundle: Bundle? = nil,
        action: @escaping () -> Void
    ) where Label == SwiftUI.Label<Text, Image?> {
        self.init(role: type.role, action: action) {
                title: { Text(title ?? type.title, bundle: title == nil ? .module : bundle) },
                icon: { icon ?? type.image }

The initializer will use the .module bundle if you don’t provide a custom title, to ensure that the button uses the localized button titles that are provided by the package.

You can now create standard buttons very easily, by just providing a type and an action:

Button(.add) { print("Tapped") }
Button(.delete) { print("Tapped") }
Button(.edit) { print("Tapped") }

If you want to provide a custom title or icon, you can do so just as easily:

Button(.add, "Button.AddNewItem") { print("Tapped") }
Button(.delete, Image(systemName: "")) { print("Tapped") }

Since the title is a LocalizedStringKey, custom title keys will automatically be added to the string catalog that you’ve defined in the bundle.

Future work

There are some things to consider with this approach, since the Button initializer approach means that we can’t apply use view modifiers within it.

Or rather, we can apply modifiers to the label, text or image, but that requires changes the generic constraint, in a way that I have yet to figure out.

So, there are some things that are tricky to fix at the moment. They’re not massive by any means, but it would be nice to have them fixed.

First, SwiftUI will not tint destructive button icons in a List in Xcode 15.4. This works in 15.2, so I wonder if it’s a simulator or SwiftUI bug. It also works in toolbars and the navbar.

For now, fix it by applying a foregroundStyle to the button, but this shouldn’t be needed.

Second, since each type defines an icon, both an icon and a title are used by default. Use .labelStyle(.titleOnly) and .labelStyle(.iconOnly) to adjust the label if needed.

I would have loved to have a label display config in the Button initializer, but since I don’t know how to describe the generic constraint, I currently use the label style approach.


If you want to try this approach, I’ve added it to my SwiftUIKit open-source project. I’d love to hear what you think of it.

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